Friday, June 28, 2013

Download Apps for Android

How to download Android Apps ?

Android is known for its app supporting feature. It can run almost millions of apps.
There are many ways to download Android Apps. Play Store is the official and default way to download android apps. Play store has more than 3 million apps. So, user can find any type of application he want. You can also download android app by downloading a ".apk" file". You must enable "install third party applications" to enable installing android apps from other websites by downloading the apk file.

There are several other alternatives like Amazon Android app store, that can also be used to download android apps.
GetJar also provide apps for android. Android applications are now a days downloaded in bulk from torrents. Thousands of Android apps are available with .apk file through torrents. Downloading paid apps by torrents can be illegal.One must be careful before download apps by torrents.

Some of the alternative to play store app like 1Android Market, can also be used to download .apk source files from Play store, while downloading apps directly from play stores will not get you the source app file. Now these app stores allow direct access from computer to download the apps to your computer, then allowing you to install in your mobile or tablet.


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